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  • Enrico Ros's avatar
    Painter_AGG2: · c5b694d0
    Enrico Ros authored
      Part from the *very C00L* AGG2 library ( are imported
      from the agg23 source package. The imported files provides antialiased
      rendering on bgra32 qimage memory buffers.
      See "kpdf/ui/painter_agg2/README.kpdf" for more info.
      Replaced my dear crappy scanline renderer (well, was the fastest btw :-)
      with agg2 based rendering code.
      Implemented HighlightAnnotation (HL, Underline, Strikeout and Squiggly)
      and InkAnnotation (simple one) rendering.
      Need a multiply-blending template algo for getting highlights to look
      as highlighs (not solid or transparent, like now).
      Updated to build the new library, set include paths and link it.
    Here we go.
    svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=405150