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  • Jason Harris's avatar
    Fixed translated constellation strings (I hope). Changed instances of 'translatedName()' to · 6b9e02a7
    Jason Harris authored
    'i18n( "Constellation name (optional)", name().local8Bit().data() )'.  This appeared in
    SkyMap::paintEvent and SkyObjectListName::SkyObjectListName(...)
    Added substitution code in "#if (KDE_VERSION<=222)" blocks for KDE2-compatible headers
    (kapp.h instead of kapplication.h, kstddirs.h instead of kstandarddirs.h, etc)
    Affected: kstars.h, kstars.cpp, stardatasink.cpp, addlinkdialog.cpp, imageviewer.cpp,
    kstarsoptions.cpp, locationdialog.cpp, kstarssplash.cpp
    svn path=/trunk/kdeedu/kstars/; revision=136786