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  • Akarsh Simha's avatar
    A SkyComponent which loads a custom catalog, but can also add objects. · ad55f21c
    Akarsh Simha authored
    Adding SyncedCatalogComponent, a new SkyComponent that loads a custom
    catalog, and can also add objects synced with the database.
    Custom catalogs are stored in an SQLite database. CatalogComponent
    loads these into memory and handles their rendering etc. This new
    subclass also allows adding of new objects at run time. The new
    objects are written to the database and also available at run-time,
    and hence the "synced".
    Typically, one would not add objects to a well-known catalog, so
    SyncedCatalogComponent will usually be used with "fake" catalogs, just
    lists of objects that we put into a catalog with some name and assign
    IDs to the objects, that are completely unofficial. Since the catalogs
    are 'unofficial', the Catalog_Prefix + Object ID name doesn't mean
    anything, so we try to hide it.