EKOS Focus Routine - random large jump in requested position
Describe the bug two recent runs of scheduler using multiple filters - each filter goes through autofocus rountine and twice in two session I have seen an unusually large number used as the focus steps to move to in repsonse to HRF value - screen shot attached - log attached - the regular "area of good fouces ranges between 3400 and 4500. This jump sees a single move of over 2000 steps injected to teh focuser from EKOS as the "go to position" number - it is RANDOM in appearance
Using Moonlight focuser (Myfocuserpro2 arduino)
Thi sissue is recent - the same unit has operated without issue for close 8 months
To Reproduce Exact steps to reproduce the behavior.
schedule multiple filters in a single run before scheduler kicks in, pre-focus on whereever you are pointed and confirm the normal position numbers monitor focus routine onse scheduler starts the process and moves to each filter See error in the left hand position window - this is where the positoin injected to the focuser appears during the routine - not the manal right hand box Expected behavior The injected number should be within the noral range of in/out positions as the process works out the delta between each attempt
I do not have the EKOS logs as they were not turned on but only have the INDI log shown above - this isue is RANDOM and I cannot reproduce at will - I was lucky to see this exact instance as it happened focus_bug.txt OS: Ubuntu Version All the latest KTARS/EKOS/INDI Log is marked - look for BUG and the sudden jump from the 3xxx to 1xxx and I think there is even one as low as 800....the routine cannot escape this as the jumps in focus are too large and the stars are not resolvable at this point focus bug.txt Log Files