Template Plots
Currently it is possible to load a template for the cartesian plot, but this does not change the axis position, axis scale, range, ...
It would be nice if it is possible to load a template for a complete plot (plot it self, axes, textlabel, legend, ...)
[x] Add dialog to add new plot where all plot types are listed [x] In the dialog a list of default plot templates are available (with preview). User can select default templates from file system
All the templates are stored as normal xml's. So there is no need to write a template file format again. When creating a new plot, just this xml file gets read and created
- Saving also the curves might be really usefull, if someone defines for example reference curves and then loads the curves to compare the imported curve with the reference curve
[x] connect curves to columns at the end
If you have always the same data and you would like to reuse a plot you have currencly to open an existing project and change the data. The limitation is if you would like to combine different plots into a project which does not exist yet. In that case you can create a plot as template and reusing this plot.
- if you have a project with multiple plots which are reusable, but the number of plots or you might have some different plots in a project it is easier to just import a new plot instead of reusing an existing project.
- If you have project specific notes in the plot or in the worksheet, you don't have to delete them before starting with the new project and you can easily use the same plot as in another project.
- if a company wants to have a specific design, maybe with logo or specific font, the company can create a company plot template