[REGRESSION] Issues related to the Info Element tool
The project file: XmR_Chart.lml
Issue 1 The position of the info element and the connecting line don't match the requested position.
Steps to reproduce
- Open the attached project tile.
- Add an info element to the plot "X Chart"
- Change the curve from "Data" to "median".
The position of the info element and the connecting line should match the requested position (the red point).
The position of the info element and the connecting line don't match the requested position.
Issue 2 The font of the info element doesn't change.
Steps to reproduce
- Open the attached project tile.
- Change the font of an added info element.
The font of the info element should be updated.
The font of the info element is not updated.
Labplot Version
Budowa wydania 2.10.0-650-gbed7cab79
Aug 7 2023, 04:32:52
System: Windows 10 Version 2009
Język:English,United States (Rozdzielacz dziesiętny ',', Rozdzielacz grupy '.'
Ustawienia liczb: Rozdzielacz dziesiętny ',', Rozdzielacz grupy '.', Wykładniczy 'e', Cyfra zero '0', Procent '%', Znak licz ujemnych/dodatnich '+'/'-' (Uaktualniono po ponownym uruchomieniu)
Architektura: x86_64-little_endian-llp64
Jądro: winnt 10.0.19045
Kompilator C++: MSVC 19.29.30148.0
Flagi kompilatora C++: /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /GR /EHsc /wd4250 /wd4251 /wd4396 /wd4661 /Zc:__cplusplus -O2 -W3 -DPSAPI_VERSION=1