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  • Dennis Nienhüser's avatar
    Add a simplified osm xml parser (not yet active) · 7c13310a
    Dennis Nienhüser authored
    GeoParser suggests a greedy parsing where geo data items are created
    directly once according tags are encountered. This does not work well
    for OSM where e.g. multiple tags must be evaluated at the same time or
    a relation changes the semantics of a way. A couple of hacks and some
    strange behavior resulted from that, e.g. converting between line
    string, linear ring and polygon at some later stage or creating
    multiple points of interest on top of buildings.
    The simplified parser does one pass now where it extracts the
    information and then interprets them. It is currently deactivated
    by the USE_OLD_OSM_PARSER switch in OsmRunner.cpp in order to easily
    compare both parsers while finishing it. Things left to do:
    - check that osm placemark data is registered consistently
    - check that multipolygon registration is possible at all
    - extract non-trivial multipolygons (old parser is buggy here, new one
      tries to ignore non-trivial ones for now)
    - decide how to render additional POI categories for buildings. Old
      parser created multiple POIs on top of buildings, but including POI
      icons and maybe labels directly inside polygon rendering might be