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  • Dennis Nienhüser's avatar
    Install decl. plugins in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX unless /usr/local is used · a58a2cc5
    Dennis Nienhüser authored
    Declarative plugins are loaded by Qt from cwd, QLibraryInfo::ImportsPath
    and QML_IMPORT_PATH. Setting up the latter is inconvenient for users,
    so we try to avoid it:
    - When CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is in line with QML_IMPORTS_PATH, be happy
    - When CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is /usr/local (default), install to
    QML_IMPORTS_PATH (cmake, something like /usr/lib/qt4/imports) even if
    that is out of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and be quiet about it to avoid
    confusing people reading the compile output.
    - When CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is different (e.g. in $HOME), respect it
    when installing to avoid permission problems and instruct the user to
    setup the QML_IMPORT_PATH environment variable.