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  • Friedrich W. H. Kossebau's avatar
    Split GeoPolygonGraphicsItem class into subtypes Building & Normal · ba2a3c9c
    Friedrich W. H. Kossebau authored
    GeoPolygonGraphicsItem has special code paths for polygons of buildings
    which complicate the logic (and also bring a small price at
    runtime, due to repeated checks or unneeded building properties).
    Distinct subclasses of GeoPolygonGraphicsItem for each type make the methods
    more simple and focussed.
    With more work on Vector OSM I expect even more special code for
    GeoPolygonGraphicsItem, so separate subclasses should help even more in the
    Input wanted especially on:
    * naming pattern of new classes
    * who should know about types, GeoPolygonGraphicsItem or GeometryLayer?
      GeometryLayer::whichBuildingAt(...) already puts concept of buildings
      into GeometryLayer (though GeoPolygonGraphicsItem's isBuilding() checks
      for even more visual categories, mismatch correct?)
    Reviewers: shentey, rahn, nienhueser, #marble
    Reviewed By: nienhueser, #marble
    Differential Revision: