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  • Friedrich W. H. Kossebau's avatar
    Fix creation of marble_qt.pot and marble.pot catalog templates · d365180d
    Friedrich W. H. Kossebau authored
    * store all qt-only strings in marble_qt.pot, not some in marble.pot
    * use $EXTRACT_TR_STRINGS, $XGETTEXT_QT was for kdelibs4-based projects only
    * pass UI files directly to $EXTRACT_TR_STRINGS, not via $EXTRACTRC
    * be more explicit when finding files to not also include files from
      tools or examples
    * create proper QCoreApplication::translate calls for strings extracted
      from data files, when used via Qt translation mechanism.
    * separate file for KDE Marble app in its source folder
    * use consistently i18n() calls in marble-kde source code
    Differential Revision: