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  • Alvin Wong's avatar
    Attempt to restore OpenGL 2.1 support on non-OSX systems · 754ab253
    Alvin Wong authored
    Partially reverts d0a329fa (D4506)
    and reverts the effect of 96835a05.
    `KisOpenGLCanvas2` inheritting from a versioned `QOpenGLFunctions_x_x`
    isn't the best idea just to get `glLogicOp`, so I try to use an
    alternative method to get it.
    `glLogicOp` is supposed to be in OpenGL core functions since full
    desktop OpenGL 1.0, just never had been a function in OpenGL ES 2.0 or
    above, so it should be available even with `QOpenGLFunctions_1_0`. I
    used `QOpenGLFunctions_2_1` just because that's the minimum version we
    seem to supported before 3.2 release.
    BUG: 383281
    CCBUG: 363770
    Differential Revision: