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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    Add a small tool to generate the boilerplate for Wayland interfaces · 11c9fc0b
    Martin Flöser authored
    The small tool added here allows to automate the process of generating
    the boiler plate for an interface. Currently it's able to generate the
    Client side code representing a wl_global.
    The tool does not get installed, so run it from build directory:
    Example usage:
    ./kwaylandScanner -c Foo -f foo -g wl_foo
    This will generate a wrapper for the wl_foo interface in files:
    foo.h and foo.cpp
    The class is called KWayland::Client::Foo.
    The tool will be extended. Following things are on the TODO list:
    * parse xml to get the Wayland names
    * add listener (if needed)
    * generate code for Wayland interfaces representing Resources
    * generate the Server boiler plate