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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    Introduce an initial state event into Plasma Window protocol · c4a4c998
    Martin Flöser authored
    The event is sent to the client once all initial state is transmitted.
    This means the client is able to see the PlasmaWindow completely created
    and not in the intermediate state with further updates being pushed after
    being created.
    The client side API is adjusted to emit the windowCreated signal after
    the initial state event is received. In addition if the window is already
    unmapped, the signal will never be emitted which means the not valid
    windows are not exposed to the client at all.
    The tests are adjusted to reflect the new reality, which in most cases
    just means removing the comment that this needs to be improved.
    There is one kind of unrelated change included: when an empty icon is
    set, the client side now creates a QIcon() instead of going through
    QIcon::fromTheme. This wrong behavior was exposed now by the auto tests.
    Reviewers: #plasma, hein
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: