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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    Drop timetracker · 1101aad8
    David Edmundson authored and Nicolas Fella's avatar Nicolas Fella committed
    The idea of TimeTracker was to dump significant events with timestamps
    into a log file when built in debug mode and with an env var set.
    Whilst the idea of TimeTracker was nice, it didn't deliver.
    The output was custom JSON that was lacked any visualisation tool, and
    the tracking all property changes for Applet objects isn't a very useful
    for QML applets.
    In my many years of having to profile plasma, this isn't a tool I ever
    see people reaching for.
    You can achieve similar results by setting a QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN with
    timestamps. If some wanted to build something better, we would be better
    starting anew with ftrace.