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Unify Button and ToolButton contentItem code

Noah Davis requested to merge work/ndavis/pc3-buttoncontent into master

This MR does a lot, but I've separated things into different commits.

  • Add private/ButtonContent.qml for PC3 Buttons and ToolButtons

This allows Buttons and ToolButtons to share almost all of the same code, which prevents unnecessary inconsistencies.

  • Change PC3 Button and ToolButton implicitWidth and implicitHeight to account for inset values

  • Add implicitWidth and implicitHeight to ButtonBackground

Remove unnecessary keyboardFocus property since visualFocus exists

Change AbstractButton to Button since ToolButton already inherits from Button

  • Remove minimum size test from PC3 Button test

Also add disabled buttons to the PC3 Button test

The minimum size test didn't make any sense. You don't normally set the implicitWidth of a button to Layout.minimumWidth in a Layout.

  • Reduce toolbutton margins to 4px

This makes it so flat buttons can use 22px icons, but still be the same size as raised buttons

cc: @teams/vdg, @mart

Edited by Noah Davis

Merge request reports