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Fix imobiledevice backend: Check API version for DEVICE_PAIRED

Adriaan de Groot requested to merge work/imobile-versions into master

Add an API-version definition to consumers of the imobiledevice imported target. The definition is not very fine-grained, but right now it's enough to distinguish "1.3.0" from "not-1.3.0" releases. A better approach would unpack the version string returned from pkg-config into suitable hex values.

The value of IMOBILEDEVICE_API is a (hex) constant consisting of (major<<16)|(minor<<8)|patch, in order to be compatible with QT_VERSION_CHECK, so 1.3.0 becomes 0x10300.

In the imobiledevice backend, restore the code that does nothing with DEVICE_PAIRED, but now protect it with versioning #ifdefs and restore the unhandled-event warning.

Merge request reports