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  • Stefan Majewsky's avatar
    Results of the second Palapeli hackathon (again basically me in a train for several hours): · 728bb422
    Stefan Majewsky authored
    * Complete the new action-based interface with the the four actions "Create", "Delete", "Import", and "Reset".
    * Register a application/x-palapeli-puzzle mimetype for extension *.pala
    * Add a CLI interface to handle application/x-palapeli-puzzle, integrate into KonqPopupMenu.
    * Add a welcome widget to ease the first steps.
    * Add a simple loader widget to reduce the flicker.
    * Turn Palapeli::LibraryStandardBase into a singleton. Implement insertion and removal of entries in LibraryBase class.
    * Add a LibraryFilter (subclass of QFilterSortProxyModel) to show only removable items on a LibraryView.
    * Change the main config file format to allow for easier creation of puzzles.
    * Add a Palapeli::Pattern::Mode enum to gain the ability to simulate slicing (necessary to get the piece count).
    * Remove cmake/ directory, FindPalapeli.cmake is in lib/ now.
    * Fix many issues, and report more issues in "//TODO:" and "//FIXME:" comments.
    svn path=/trunk/playground/games/palapeli/; revision=869301