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Make logs less verbose for motion blur detection

It was repeating same log for each part of image again and again , so moved logging just after found parts

Before patch :

QDEBUG : ImgQSortTestGeneral::testParseTestImagesForGeneralBadImage() digikam.dimg: Divide image to small parts
QDEBUG : ImgQSortTestGeneral::testParseTestImagesForGeneralBadImage() digikam.dimg: Detect if each part is motion blur
QDEBUG : ImgQSortTestGeneral::testParseTestImagesForGeneralBadImage() digikam.dimg: Detect if each part is motion blur
QSYSTEM: ImgQSortTestGeneral::testParseTestImagesForGeneralBadImage() Maximum amount of warnings exceeded. Use -maxwarnings to override.

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