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  • Clarence Dang's avatar
    Commit rough color palette and toolbar work: · 4ca41031
    Clarence Dang authored
    * Toolbar work: Tool Box & Color Tool Bar
      - Change from KToolBar to QDockWidget base
        - Nice side-effect: kpColorToolBar gets a QDockWidget resize grip
        - Lets us use QMainWindow::setCorner() so that Tool Box can take all the vertical space, since it can be quite tall with all its tool option widgets
        - Prevents KMainWindow from managing tool bar position so that we can force toolbars to be in a default and fixed place - this works around all the current quirks (due to the effects of QToolBar::setOrientation() no longer being virtual -- though, I actually saw an orientationChanged() signal now -- and probably other reasons):
          1. Toolbars staying on top of even non-KolourPaint windows when KolourPaint is not the foreground window
          2. Not being dockable when undocked
      - kpColorToolBar: use proper QSpacerItem instead of a fake widget (this looks better on e.g. Keramik style)
      - For component widgets, make them all do the following to avoid Qt layout oddities:
        1. setSizePolicy() themselves, rather than nobody doing it or leaving it up to the users
        2. Use setMinimumSize() instead of setFixedSize() and also don't use QSizePolicy::Fixed (don't know why this is required)
    * Color editing work
      - Split queryClose() into queryCloseDocument() and new queryCloseColors()
      - Start fix reloading and modified-state to work (regarding modified state, what is missing is drag-and-drop affecting it and a lot of testing)
      - kpColorCollection
        - Introduce openKDE() method to replace ctor functionality and allow error-handling
        - Add "showOverwritePrompt" argument to saveAs()
        - Rename save() to saveKDE()
      - kpColorCells
        - Add colorCollection() and saveColorCollection()
        - Tweak ::Palette{Column,Rows}()
        - When there are >= 3 rows, reduce the heights of each cell only -- not the width -- and only to 17, not to 13 (so you can fit 3 larger rows, not 4 smaller ones; height of all the cells is 52)
        - Clicking no longer takes tab focus away from main view
          Testcase: When a text box is active, clicking to change the background color
                    should not move the keyboard focus away from the text box.
    * kpColorPalette
      - Add buttons to resize the color palette (TODO: revert this straight away since kpColorToolBar being  QDockWidget already gives us a resize grip, that is more intuitive)
      - Make sure kpColorCells are horizontally centered inside the scrollarea
    * Documentation
      - Set target freeze date as Oct 21
      - Mark clearly as BETA
      - Document toolbar regressions
    * Style, +/- debug
    svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/kolourpaint/; revision=715735