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  • Amy spark's avatar
    [FEATURE] Add support for JPEG-XL · 13e5d2e5
    Amy spark authored
    This commit adds support for the following features:
    - RGB, Gray and CMYK U8/U16/F16/F32
    - Animated JXLs r/w
    - Exif, XMP, and IPTC metadata r/w
    - Parallel encoding & decoding (there's a step that isn't parallelized
      on libjxl yet, though)
    Note that:
    - for F16 images, the import plugin will ask libjxl to return
    a F32 image in order not to depend on OpenEXR.
    - JXL is a single-layer format, the export will
    use the document projection-- individual layers will be lost.
    This is the first plugin to introduce full native animation import &
    export in Krita.