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Commit 4b4b1f4a authored by Dmitry Kazakov's avatar Dmitry Kazakov
Browse files

Fix inconvenient default shortcuts in the Mesh Transform tool

The patch bascially makes symmetric transforms be the default choice
available without any modifiers.

Now the shortcuts are the following:

1) Mesh node:
   - click+drag --- move node

2) Border node:
   - click+drag --- move node
   - shift+click+drag --- move whole row/column
   - ctrl+alt+click+drag --- split/slide row/column
   - ctrl+alt+click+drag-away --- remove split

3) Control point:
   - click+drag --- change control point symmetrically
   - shift+click+drag --- change control point non-symmetrically;
                          this action will create angular texture
4) Node or Control:
   - ctrl+click --- select multiple nodes

5) Patch area:
   - click+drag --- free patch deform
   - shift+click+drag --- move whole mesh

6) Empty area outside mesh:
   - click+drag --- rotate mesh or selection
   - ctrl+click+drag --- scale mesh or selection
   - shift+click+drag --- move mesh or selection
parent 8f5b1c23
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