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Allow fullscreen capture without selection, refine toolbar positioning

ImageCaptureOverlay: switch from === to & for checking valignment flags

ImageCaptureOverlay: Don't show info box when annotating or dragging

ImageCaptureOverlay: Less dimming based on selection and annotations

Don't dim as much with no selection and don't dim at all when annotating with no selection.

ImageCaptureOverlay: refine toolbar positioning, allow toolbar dragging

Center without selection, put along the bottom of the inner area of the selection when the selection is large enough that the toolbar has to fit inside.

Allow dragging main toolbar and annotation tools toolbar around when there's no selection and remember positions unless the selection changes. I think this is needed because it's impossible to know which part of the screen the user will want to annotate when there's no selection. Not allowing dragging with a selection because the toolbars for 2 screens have to act like they're one toolbar when a selection spans 2 screens. That's hard to deal with when allowing them to be dragged.

Allow capturing all screens with no selection in rectangle capture mode

AnnotationViewport: Add pressed, anyPressed, pressPosition properties

also, use the new properties to keep AnnotationEditor and TextTool from breaking after the change.

No selection Dragged toolbars, annotating Very tall Selection
Screenshot_20230124_125221 Screenshot_20230124_125322 Screenshot_20230124_125843
Edited by Noah Davis

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