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Add keyboard modifier info to tooltips on annotation tool buttons

Noah Davis requested to merge work/ndavis/annotationshortcuts into master

Add translator contexts to annotation tool buttons

Minor change with no effect on visuals or UX that is just convenient to make.

Add keyboard modifier info to tooltips on annotation tool buttons

Currently, the info doesn't take up too much space. If the tooltips were more than 2 or 3 lines of text, it could make sense to show the extra info on a delay like Blender or on pressed/checked/focused.

I can't do a lot of fancy formatting with the text because CSS on Label (probably Text too) seems to be broken. With a <style> element, you get the contents of the element as plain text in your output. With the style attribute, rich text formatting is just completely stopped. I tried bullet points for the modifier key info, but they were too indented and had too much padding/margin around them. Since I can't use CSS, I can't adjust the indentation/padding/margin.


@teams/vdg, @teams/usability

Merge request reports
