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  • Ragnar Thomsen's avatar
    Implement a cancelled() signal to fix cancellation of password dialogs · 8dd0b02a
    Ragnar Thomsen authored
    Implement a cancelled() signal in ReadOnlyArchiveInterface. This signal
    is emitted in CliInterface when the user cancels a password dialog. The
    signal is connected to a slot in Job which sets KJob::error to
    The callers (Part and BatchExtract) are modified to do nothing if the
    error code is KJob::KilledJobError when running ListJobs/ExtractJobs/
    AddJobs/DeleteJobs. This fixes an issue where the user cancels the
    "Enter password" dialog and the UI keeps being blocked and/or error
    messageboxes appear.
    BUG: 267670
    FIXED-IN: 15.07.80
    REVIEW: 123967