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  • Enrico Ros's avatar
    Better policies for memory management. Auto memory clean when a document is · 4502706b
    Enrico Ros authored
    opened. More stuff for getting async generator to work. Leakfix.
    Note: memory management coolness Vol.1 : now kpdf has memory profiles that
    allow using up to xx% of the total memory and clip maximum usable memory to
    a half of the free one. Example: an istance of kpdf is using all the
    memory (as regular cache). You open some memory hungry app or another kpdf
    and you'll see the first istance dropping cached pages (freeing memory!)
    to leave room for the other app! It's dynamic, fast, avoids swap and
    something cool from my programmer's viewpoint.
    svn path=/branches/kpdf_experiments/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=373123