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  • Linus Jahn's avatar
    LICENSE: Add generation script and make machine-readable · 91c64859
    Linus Jahn authored and Ilya Bizyaev's avatar Ilya Bizyaev committed
    This adds a script in utils/ that will generate a new
    LICENSE file upon the git history and information set in it. It's in the
    debian copyright format, but it would be easily possible to use a
    different style/format.
    Since this will gather information from the git history, all
    contributors will get their copyright line, even translators. This
    should solve the problem with "see git history for more details" not
    being a correct copyright for the participants in the git history.
    In the script, there are replacements, and excludes of user ids. If
    you've got several user ids in the git history, you can add replacements
    for them, so they are not displayed several times in the LICENSE file.
    Excludes are used for Weblate and anonymous translations.