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  • Michael Pyne's avatar
    mojo: Import Mojolicious's error handler debugging page. · 59719314
    Michael Pyne authored
    I removed some extraneous stuff that would just bloat the repository
    like JS syntax highlighters...  and also removed the Google Analytics stuff.
    This debug handler (or a more specific 404 and/or 500 HTTP status
    handler) is required for some of the other Mojolicious error handling
    paths to work. For instance, using the default 'helper' "not_found"
    tries to find "not_found.development.html.ep" or "not_found.html.ep"
    before falling back to "mojo/debug.html.ep", and if it finds nothing it
    doesn't render any response. So without a template available for
    Mojolicious to use in the page rendering path, Mojolicious just gives up
    instead and transmits nothing at all until a timeout occurs (15 seconds
    by default).
    A barren template could be used but the Mojolicious default debugging
    template is actually very good and provides a host of useful debugging
    information if it comes to that. So I'd rather base off of this instead.