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Communicate to KIOFuse process via DBus, instead of "_control" API

Alexander Saoutkin requested to merge asaoutkin/kio-fuse:DbusConversion into master

This patch does the following:

  1. Introduces a DBus Interface, Object and Service that allows communication to the KIOFuse process, with matching functionality with the existing "_control" API.
  2. Updates the tests to communicate via this new DBus API instead of the "_control" API.
  3. Removes all traces of the old "_control" API.
  4. Defines a default mountpoint (QStandardPaths::RuntimeLocation) if none is given. This makes it cleaner and easier to generate the service file (which this patch does during make install).
  5. Updates the documentation to show how to use KIOFuse via the new Dbus API.
  6. Installs a tmpfiles.d exclusion file to avoid data loss. See the file itself for more details.
Edited by Alexander Saoutkin

Merge request reports