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  • Jiří Paleček's avatar
    Fix the fallback code used when restoring session fails · 656f6804
    Jiří Paleček authored and Kurt Hindenburg's avatar Kurt Hindenburg committed
     When restoring session in Konsole fails, the fallback code should
     create a default view and session instead. However, the code omitted
     adding this view to the container, which makes
     - the window black (or grey in my case), see
     - konsole crash later, when you add a new tab and close it, because
       code in ViewManager expects TerminalDisplays to be children of
       ViewSplitter, which is not the case
     This fix adds the view to activeController(), just like every other
     code that creates TerminalDisplay.
    Test Plan:
     1. find a session in your $HOME/.config/session/ from konsole before 19.08
     2. konsole -session xxxx (where xxxx are the numbers in the session file)
        -> there should be a konsole window with usable terminal
     3. add a new tab with C-S-T and close it
        ->there should be no crash
    Reviewers: hindenburg, #konsole
    Reviewed By: hindenburg, #konsole
    Subscribers: tcanabrava, konsole-devel
    Tags: #konsole
    Differential Revision: