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  • Igor Kushnir's avatar
    Don't require triggering Locate Current Document action twice · ed528b1a
    Igor Kushnir authored
    Clicking the toolbar button twice or triggering the context menu item
    twice or activating the shortcut twice is highly inconvenient for those
    who prefer to keep the auto-sync option off. Toggling auto-sync should
    be less frequent and thus doesn't require a shortcut, can be hidden in a
    tool button's popup menu.
    Two actions with the same function (syncActionMenu and syncSubAction)
    are necessary to allow both locating the current document and toggling
    auto-sync from the context menu when Projects Toolbar is hidden.
    Enable/disable all 3 actions in updateSyncAction(). Enabling/disabling
    only syncActionMenu does not prevent calls to
    ProjectManagerView::locateCurrentDocument() via existing and possible
    future shortcuts of the two sub-actions.