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  • Thorsten Zachmann's avatar
    Implement optimized RGBF32 alpha darken composite · fb013b7e
    Thorsten Zachmann authored
    Added optimized version for alpha darken composite op for RGBF32 colorspace.
    Added tests to test performance and results of new implementation against legacy.
    The diff needed in the test compare is do to the fact that the compiler
    calculates 1.0/255.0 and multiplying the result instead if dividing by
    255.0 for the mask.
    Here are the results of the benchmark on my Intel i5-2520M CPU
    QDEBUG : KisCompositionBenchmark::testRgbF32CompositeAlphaDarkenLegacy() krita.general: Testing Composite Op: "alphadarken" ( "Legacy" )
    QDEBUG : KisCompositionBenchmark::testRgbF32CompositeAlphaDarkenLegacy() krita.general: "Aligned   Mask   SrcRand DstRand" RESULT: 67 msec
    QDEBUG : KisCompositionBenchmark::testRgbF32CompositeAlphaDarkenLegacy() krita.general: "DstUnalig Mask   SrcRand DstRand" RESULT: 68 msec
    QDEBUG : KisCompositionBenchmark::testRgbF32CompositeAlphaDarkenLegacy() krita.general: "SrcUnalig Mask   SrcRand DstRand" RESULT: 69 msec
    QDEBUG : KisCompositionBench...