Maui Apps Distribution
This ticket is open to track where the Maui Apps should be distributed and the steps needed to achieve that and in the future keep maintaining them:
For Linux:
AppImageHub AppImages for the AMD and ARM packages. Currently, @anupambasak builds the AppImages on a server... can you link where are those being built? is it public? Anupam will also publish the package son AppImageHub
FlatHub @carlschwan submitted Index and Vvave to FlatHub. Links below is an example of what is needed to do so.
To have them on FlatHub all the apps need to have an AppStream metadata file, some of the apps are missing this file. There's also a need to keep this manifest updated: the version number and the screenshots. Screenshots need to be uploaded to KDE servers at
- Distros Packages: Some distros already pack Maui App:
- Arch -> Manjaro
- KDE Neon?
- OpenSuse?
- Fedora?
What other distrbibutions should be tragted? and what has to be done from Maui side to get the app's package by other distros? An RSS changelog entry? or what else?
- Others: Arch AUR
For Android:
For Android I do manually the packaging using QtCreator, the ideal would be to have them build correctly using binary factory from KDE. For this purpose all of the apps now get built using CMake and QMake was dropped, so it should not be easier to get them to be built there.
After being built what's needed to have them distributed to KDE's Google Play instance and F-Droid ? @nicolasfella might guide me on how to get them there?
For Android, the manifest file also needs to be updated: the versioning
For Windows:
The builds right now are broken. This might need a little bit more work before we can distribute them in their store. But, for the sake of information, what needed to have the distributed there? I already have been making the installers myself, does the KDE binary factory can also produce those? or Craft? Do we need a manifest file to get to the store?