Discussion: New categories
Suggestions new categories:
Terms of Service (similar to German AGB) - Many websites do not provide ToS
- Can we use a general term for this? General service statement?
- Let's use legalNotice and put everything related in there. But have separate one for privacyPolicy
- In WWW there is no situation like in DE. How do we deal with those statements?
- Suggestion for the moment: Let's replace legalNotice by privacyPolicy
- If so, adjust relevant existing entries
🆗 Bus factor (Number of server maintainers), let us it but not rank it -
🆗 Maximum Http File Upload Storage Time -
Subkey: Company Name -
Blocker? - Reasonable, but how to do it objectively?
- Shall we wait until it comes to such an issue?
- Lets wait
🆗 Domain owner has several entries?- Two situation:
- One person with several providers:
- Every server gets its own entry (e.g. jabber.de & openim.de)
- One provider with several domains:
- Use the server which name suits the website name
- One person with several providers:
- Two situation:
🆗 At least for initial commits, ask contributors to do a test contact to the admin and see if they respond (if not provided by the admin directly)- Response within 7 days via admin JID or email or group chat (reply have to come from the admin!)
- Add to Contributing.md
🆗 Independent frompasswordResetWebPage
there should be a statement if it is possible or not. This is kind of double, but some admins offer it without having a page, e.g. magicbroccoli.de- Lets use information for manual process in the same key
Shall we check this too?- Does only check s2s and IM Observatory also check many of this
- https://tls.imirhil.fr/xmpp/magicbroccoli.de
- https://tls.imirhil.fr/https/magicbroccoli.de
Neutral name: Does the server has a neutral name. This should at least contain that it is not affiliated to a political or other active institution. I wish it could also somehow exclude servers with weird names. The thought behind this is that we provide randomly servers to users which have not clue and likely do their first step into XMPP. Funny domain names or affiliation might not be what they look for. I know its not easy, but I wish to enable XMPP as a serious alternative to people. - Another option could be to label names like: 'company', '(radical) political organization', ...
- Hard to discuss...
Limit storage for MAM and HTTP Upload -
Deletion routines -
Cat. A / B to 100% of compliance tester -
Notes from talk on 11th May 2022:
- Simply have a binary system (Good server / Bad server)
Filters are our strength, so please add more - Users are not interested in categorization actually...
- Don't show users that have not enough information
- Unknown is not equal to "bad"
- You do mix qualitative and quantitative evaluation but also good and bad criteria
Instead of ranking, create property & service profiles - Show results similar as professional testing services (Stiftung Warentest)
Question: How can one trigger the compliance tester automatically -
Request to fix the current issue?
- (???) Place a "well-known" file
review mod_version to show server info -
Clearly place our own contact addresses on the slides
You are a really cool project. Most of the detailed discussion and critiques only tell how much potential we actually see here and not having basic critics! :-)