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  • Erik Duisters's avatar
    Use Storage Access Framework on SDK >= 21 (Lollipop and above) · a6fdddf8
    Erik Duisters authored
    Use Storage Access Framework on Android running SDK >= 21 so writing to
    sdcard will work again
    |API 21+|API 19-|Edit|
    Test Plan:
    Install patch on Android phone with Build.Version < 19 (Kitkat)
    - Without a sdcard: Verify that dolphin displays an "All Files" entry that is empty
    - With a sdcard and with "Add camera folder shortcut" turned off: Verify that dolphin displays the configured display name of the sdcard
    - With a sdcard and with "Add camera folder shortcut" turned on: Verify that dolphin displays the configured display name of the sdcard and also lists a "Camera pictures" shortcut
    - With a sdcard: Verify that when changing the display name or the "Add camera folder shortcut" preference dolphin displays the updated items (after pressing F5)
    - With a sdcard: Verify that files can be read and written to/from the sdcard
    Install patch on Android phone with Build.Version < 19 (Kitkat)
    - Repeat the above tests except for the read/write test: Verify that files can be read from the sdcard
    Install patch on Android phone with Build.Version > 21 (Lollipop)
    - Without any configured storage locations: Verify dolphin displays an "All Files" entry that is empty
    - With configured storage locations: Verify dolphin displays the display names of the configured storage locations and that entering a location displays the correct directory entries
    - Make one or several changes to the configured storage locations: Verify dolphin displays the display names of the configured storage locations (after pressing F5) and that entering a location displays the correct directory entries
    Reviewers: #kde_connect, albertvaka, sredman
    Reviewed By: #kde_connect, albertvaka, sredman
    Subscribers: albertvaka, sredman, kdeconnect
    Tags: #kde_connect
    Differential Revision: