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Bugfixes in Playlist Layout Editor

Tuomas Nurmi requested to merge nurmi/amarok:playlistLayoutEditorFixes into master

For some reason, Tokens are not removed from LayoutEditWidget's m_dragstack even after deleteLater() (probably since LayoutEditWidget::config fills currentRowConfig with tokens right after deleteLater(), before the control returns to the event loop, and they are thus re-created right after scheduling the removal of the originals). This causes Tokens to duplicate when switching between playlist layouts in layout editor. playlistlayouteditor Removing their parenting first makes them actually go away. I don't think this quite fixes playlist layout editing yet, but makes it a lot more comfortable to debug when switching between layouts doesn't flood the dialog with non-deleted tokens.

In addition, another commit fixes a typo introduced in a recent (only 2 years old) commit, which prevented delete icon from showing in playlist layout editor. Before: noplaylistlayouteditordeleteicon

After: noplaylistlayouteditordeleteicon-fixed

This MR opens my work on scratching my own playlist layout itches in KF5 Amarok. I don't think I'm quite yet able to successfully build and apply the layout I used in previous versions, but this is one first steps towards that.

Merge request reports