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  • Michael Pyne's avatar
    playlistcollection: Minor cleanups, rename object(). · 9971b7b3
    Michael Pyne authored
    So the PlaylistBox stuff exists in a sort of unusual class structure:
      * PlaylistCollection, a plain class just holding playlist info
      * PlaylistCollection::ActionHandler, used for non-GUI stuff that still
        needs signals/slots (i.e. action handling)
      * PlaylistBox, the actual GUI class with full-blown QWidgets and the
    This sort of makes sense (it's an early instance of the approach Qt
    would take with Model/View in Qt4) but it was even confusing me again.
    So I've tried to rename to make the roles more clear, removed "using
    namespace" stuff that muddies the picture up more and did some minor
    other cleanups while I was here.