Last 19.04 string changes
Here are the last changes we could make for 19.04 release. Needs to be done TODAY so speak now if you want to change something.
Effects list: Rename "All effect" to "Main effects" and put the categories described by Rémi:
- Analysis and data
- Alpha/transform
- Colour
- Image modification
- Audio
Only ~20 most used effects will go there. Question: where do we put fades and freeze ? Do they fit in these categories? Which effects go in which categories can still be decided until the 4th of april.
Then, in the "All video effects" tab, all video effects will appear in these categories, see below for more precise list. Less usefull or duplicate effects would go in a "Legacy category", and non working effects as described by Massimo would disappear.
Same for "All audio effect".
Other potentially useful string changes In the add track dialog, add option to add :
- an A/V track
- an audio recording track (audio track with rec controls visible - an easier way to discover rec controls)
Compositions: should we also have categories ?
Other last minute ideas?
Full effect description:
Video effects Analysis and data ->
- Audiospectrum
- Oscilloscope
- RGB Parade
- Vectorscope
- Video values
Alpha/transform :
- Alpha gradient
- Color section (suggestion name : Chroma-key)
- Corner
- Edge crop ((util crop option is added to "trasform" - crop, Scale and Tilt seems to be broken...)
- Key spill mop up
- Rotate (Keyframable) (util Y & Z rotation is added to "trasform")
- Rotoscoping
- Transform (suggestion for the futur : crop option, Z and Y rotation, rotation point, luma option)
- Vignette effect
- Other -> all the other effects from "Crop and transform" and "Alpha manipulation"
Colour ->
- 3 point balance
- Bezier curves
- Brightness (keyframable)
- Colorize
- Contrast
- Gamma
- Invert (suggestion name : negative)
- Lift_gamma_gain
- Others -> all the other effects from "colour" and "colour correction"
- RGB ajustment
- Saturation
- WB (LMS space)
- others -> all the other effects from "colour" and "colour correction"
Image modification
- Automask (when it will be fixed)
- Blur
- Box Blur (suggestion name : "motion blur")
- Charcoal
- Defish
- Denoiser
- Distort
- Dither
- Edge Glow
- Emboss
- Grain
- Lens correction (we have to change default values first ! suggestion defaut values : 500 everywhere)
- Mirror (suggestion default : "flip")
- Old film (suggestion -> add in the same tool "scratchlines", "vignette" and "dust")
- others -> all the other effects from "Artistic", "Blur and Hide", "distort" and "Enhancement"
- Pixelise (we have to change default values first ! suggestion defaut values : X = 10, Y = 10)
- RGB noise (suggestion name : "old TV")
- Sigmoidaltransfer (suggestion name : "Black & White")
- Soft glow
- Spill surpress
- others -> all the other effects from "Artistic", "Blur and Hide", "distort" and "Enhancement"
Audio effects:
- Volume (keyframable), with %
- Pan
- Normalize
- Gain
- Mute The otherones are very complex and many, and I realy don't know nothing about them. I suggest to add the one of them you used to use, and put the rest in "other" cathegorie..