Replacing the Audio part of a video clip that is on the timeline.
Hi there!
I would like to replace the audio of a video clip from the context menu. Already it is possible to replace an entire video clip with another one, or an audio clip with another one, but neither option does what I would like, and I'll explain why. (Also Kdenlive crashes if you try to replace a video clip with an audio clip... I guess no one has tried that before)
Here is why I am asking for such a strange thing.
Quite often I would use parts of a video clip on the timeline, and THEN only realize that the sound could do with some improvement. Extracting the audio to a .wav is easy, as is editing the sound in an external editor. Re-associating the audio with the video clip is not that straight forward, unfortunately.
My options are:
Paste only the video from my source clip, and align the edited audio with it, and then group it. Then I have to make the cuts again to get the right pieces of the video in the right places. This can become tedious.
I could also make a copy of the source clip, and use something like MKVTools to remux the edited audio with the video. But that is tedious too.
I could also put the group in their own sequence, and save that sequence as an .mlt file, and use that to replace the original video clip, but all these options are tedious.
Right now, Kdenlive crashes hard when you right-click on a video clip in the project bin that is already on the timeline, and replace it with an audio clip. That needs to be fixed, but rather than just not allowing such a thing, we can make a great new feature by offering to associate the audio with the video in the video clip and replace all instances of this clip on the timeline like what is happening now.
All that needs to be done is to catch the case where someone tries to replace a video clip with an audio clip, and put up a warning and some options:
Option 1. Create a .mlt file that references the video of the clip to be replaced and the audio of the audio clip that was picked to be inserted instead of the video. Use this .mlt clip to replace the video clip. (No crashing, and this would do exactly what I need)
Option 2. Remove all the video parts of the video, and insert audio in the appropriate audio track. Legal, but I probably never would use this.
Option 3. Cancel the operation, just in case it was a mistake.