Cannot set filtering option when rendering a video - KDEN forces Bilinear or Linear instead.
While testing integer scaling, I've noticed that no matter how you scale your video, the rendering process will filter your video with a bilinear or linear filter. I've attached two images: first is how the video looks right before rendering it in the editor and the second image shows what I get after the video is rendered. The applied filter ruins the 'pixel perfect' fidelity of pixely low-resolution content.
I'm unable to find any settings that would let me change the filtering applied during the rendering process or any documentation on how it could be done so I've been advised to write an issue here.
EDIT: The "big" video is the one I'm integer scaling and is exactly 3x the resolution of the source (256x192 to 768x576). The second one is only 1.5x scaled and is therefore scaled with a bilinear filter in the editor.