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Commit 5daba75d authored by Ryan Gonzalez's avatar Ryan Gonzalez Committed by Alexander Larsson
Browse files

Fix metadata file contents after null terminators being ignored

In particular, if a null terminator is placed inside the metadata file,
Flatpak will only compare the text *before* it to the value of
xa.metadata, but the full file will be parsed when permissions are set
at runtime. This means that any app can include a null terminator in its
permissions metadata, and Flatpak will only show the user the
permissions *preceding* the terminator during install, but the
permissions *after* the terminator are applied at runtime.

Fixes GHSA-qpjc-vq3c-572j / CVE-2021-43860

Signed-off-by: default avatarRyan Gonzalez <>
(cherry picked from commit c9c3a667c09a846c0b230cf1cc8ed330028aa03c)
parent 9fded3ab
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