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Commit bbf6e3de authored by Inki Dae's avatar Inki Dae Committed by Rob Clark
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libdrm/exynos: add test application for 2d gpu.

This patch adds library and test application for g2d gpu(fimg2d).

The fimg2d hardware is a 2D graphics accelerator(G2D) that
supports Bit Block Transfer(BitBLT).

The library includes the following primitive drawing operations:
.solid fill - This operation fills the given buffer with
	the given color data.
.copy - This operation copies contents in source buffer to
	destination buffer.
.copy_with_scale - This operation copies contents in source buffer
	to destination buffer scaling up or down properly.
.blend - This operation blends contents in source buffer with
	the ones in destination buffer.

And the above operations uses gem handle or user space address
allocated by malloc() as source or destination buffer.

And the test application includes just simple primitive drawing
tests with the above library.
And the guide to test is as the following,
	"#exynos_fimg2d_test -s connector_id@crtc_id:mode"

With this above simple command, four primitive drawing operations
would be called step by step and also rendered on the output device
to the given connector and crtc id.

Signed-off-by: default avatarInki Dae <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarKyungmin Park <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarRob Clark <>
parent ade2ad2d
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