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Commit d42b39cc authored by Simon Ser's avatar Simon Ser
Browse files

protocol: make it clear wl_surface.enter/leave are not for frame throttling

Some clients rely on wl_surface.enter/leave to start/stop their rendering

There are cases where this doesn't work:

- Some compositors don't send wl_surface.leave when a toplevel is hidden.
  For instance Sway doesn't send this event when a toplevel is on an inactive
  workspace (but doesn't send wl_surface.frame events).
- Some compositors might still want applications to continue to render even if
  away from outputs. For instance a compositor that allows to screen record
  individual toplevels might not send a wl_surface.enter event for hidden

Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon Ser <>
parent 1ea08d74
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