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Commit cde1bdf8 authored by Harald Sitter's avatar Harald Sitter 🍌
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properly refresh blowfish_endianess (+ throw away excess revert)

the original refresh of this patch went the wrong way. the original
patch meant to define Q_BYTE_ORDER as detected by Qt and then run the
code branches below, iff the order is little (x86, arm64 what have you)

the change dfaure made in kwallet OTOH fixated the order to big. that'd
not have been a problem though because the conditional branches in this
file originally check QBO==QBE. a fact the debian patch also changes so
now the conditional branches with the patch would never be true becuase
they read QBO==QLE but QBO was hardcoded to QBE.

this revision makes it so that the hardcoded QBE and QBO values of kwallet
are no longer applied. this fixes a redefinition warning but more
importantly should restore the original behavior that the conditionals are
met on *actual* little endian systems.
parent a8d51c73
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