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  • Linus Jahn's avatar
    Roster: Sort using last exchanged · 51c48b80
    Linus Jahn authored
    The new `lastExchanged` coloumn in the RosterModel contains
    a ISODate string with the time when the last message has
    arrived or has been sent. The roster is now sorted using this
    The message controller is now able to communicate with the roster
    controller directly and updates the lastExchanged whenever a
    message arrives/is been sent.
    To preserve the lastExchanged property, the roster is now only
    'updated' instead of being replaced every login. It looks up
    which JIDs have been removed and added, adds/removes them
    and updates the name of all the others (lastExchanged keeps the
    same). Roster Versioning would be the better solution here and
    also generally ...