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  • Harald Sitter's avatar
    port to qml and refactor to somewhat isolated pages · ba43b8e9
    Harald Sitter authored
    this is in preparation to add more "wizardy" behavior for scenarios
    where samba isn't installed yet, such as adding the user to the samba
    the way the new ui works is that it's rendering a page stage, we push
    pages on as they become relevant. longer term that'll be at least the
    pages install->reboot->setpassword->acls
    this also features some related improvements such as
    - better const corectness for some member vars
    - less ifdef samba_install
    - the maximum share name is now capped at 60 characters (which is what
    windows10 allows)
    - there's a soft warning for the 60 character limit as well in the gui