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  • Stefano Crocco's avatar
    Add test to check that cookies are imported from KCookieServer at creation · 4ff9f87b
    Stefano Crocco authored
    In theory it should be possible to test this by connecting to
    QWebEngineCookieStore::cookieAdded signal. However, in tests this signal
    is not emitted (or, at least, it's emitted after the test has run). To
    work around this issue, if the BUILD_TESTING cmake variable is true, a new
    instance variable is created for WebEnginePartCookieJar and cookies added on
    creation are stored there. The contents of this variable are then checked by
    Currently, the tests fail because there's a small difference (of the
    order of milliseconds, it seems) on the expiration dates. These tests
    are currently marked as expected failures
    Test Plan: run autotests
    Reviewers: dfaure
    Reviewed By: dfaure
    Differential Revision: