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  • Stefano Crocco's avatar
    Rely on QtWebEngine to determine the mimetype of http(s) URLs · 82241a80
    Stefano Crocco authored
    When KonqRun::scanFile is called from a view using a WebEnginePart and
    for a http or https URL with an unknown mimetype, don't use
    BrowserRun::scanFile but always return "text/html". This is because
    BrowserRun::scanFile issues a GET request to determine the mimetype, but
    QtWebEngine will then issue the same request, causing a double GET
    request. This way, instead, there will be only one GET request (from
    QtWebEngine). If QtWebEngine determines that the mimetype is one it
    can't open itself, the corresponding WebEnginePage will emit a
    openUrlRequest signal, with the real mimetype. Since the mimetype is now
    known, there isn't the risk of entering an endless loop.
    There are two problems:
    * the double GET request issue remains when the URL can't be displayed
      by QtWebEngine. QtWebEngine
      emits the downloadRequested signal after doing a GET request to determine the
      mimetype of the URL. Using KIO/KParts to download the file causes a second GET
    * using QtWebEngine to determine the mimetype forces the user to use
      WebEnginePart to open URLs with mimetypes it can hanlde, even if the user has
      chosen another part for them. For example, clicking an a link to an image in a
      remote web page will cause the image to be opened in WebEnginePart even if the
      user chose to use GwenViewPart for images. This happens because, since
      QtWebEngine can handle images, it doesn't emit the downloadRequested signal.