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  • Tony Murray's avatar
    Fix bug 208845 and make several other changes to code around this to make things more sane. · 7cdbebbf
    Tony Murray authored
    * Common window size variables in hostpreferences.  Modified VNC connection settings to allow the setting the window size when scaling is enabled.
    * Save the window size to the new standard variables, but only if scaling is enabled.
    * Remove the need to cast to QScrollArea by using QWidget::frameGeometry(). This relieves us of the need to cache the bordersize.
    * Resize the window, don't temporarily change the minimum size of the tab widget.
    * If the view size and the screen size match, automatically go into fullscreen mode. Not sure if this will be wanted by users or not.
    REVIEW: 3824
    CCBUG: 208845
    svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/krdc/; revision=1120109