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  • Friedrich W. H. Kossebau's avatar
    Install headers with C++ namespace prefix, to avoid lookup conflicts · 0397c2b8
    Friedrich W. H. Kossebau authored
    So far headers for the libraries AknoadiCore, AkonadiWidgtets, AkonadiXml,
    and AkonadiAgents were installed directly into the directory given as
    include base dir, as e.g. noted in the link interface.
    Due to generic names of the headers, without the project prefix, e.g.
    #include <item.h>
    #include <job.h>
    could run chance to instead match other headers from the include
    directories of other projects.
    Given the practice to uee the C++ namespace as path prefix in the
    include dirs, this patch changes the installation to install the normal
    headers into an akonadi/ and the CamelCase headers into a Akonadi/ subdir
    of the respective base include dir, so projects linking to Akonadi
    libraries can then use
    #include <akonadi/item.h>
    #include <Akonadi/Item>
    with less chance to have the wrong headers picked.
    To make the headers from AkonadiAgents, AkonadiWidgets and AkonadiXml
    properly work also when being used from their installed location,
    they need to be adapted to also use the proper <akonadi/foo.h> includes
    for the headers from AkonadiCore. ecm_generate_headers() helps with
    that to work also in the own build by adding matching forwarding headers
    in the build dir.
    To keep projects linking to Akonadi libraries building for now,
    additionally compat headers are installed to the old locations,
    emitting compiler warnings hinting the new desired include paths
    to be used.