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  • Laurent Montel's avatar
    Patch from Kevin Tardif · 60678a70
    Laurent Montel authored
    Added Hide Read Feed option
    This patch adds a new option, to hide feeds with zero unread count from the feed list. You can access the setting via either the View menubar item or via the General configuration panel, it defaults to being turned off. This is useful if you have many feeds, as it makes the feed list less crowded by hiding those with no new items.
        filter models are present in articlelistview, but controller only includes listmodel.h, so I put FilterUnreadProxyModel here
        added FilterUnreadProxyModel, a QSortFilerProxyModel subclass to filter out feeds with zero unread count
        uint nodeIdForIndex(const QModelIndex&) is now a file-specific method
        changed FolderExpansionHandler::m_model to be of type QAbstractItemModel* (since it no longer needs SubscriptionListModel::nodeIdForIndex)
        hooked filter's selectionmodel's selectionChanged signal in SelectionController::setFeedSelector to the FilterUnreadProxyModel instance
        m_subscriptionModel is now a FilterUnreadProxyModel*
        added SelectionController::settingsChanged slot
        changed SelectionController::setFeedList to set the proxy's source
        added slotSettingsChanged slot for receiving MainWidget::signalSettingsChange signal and updating action state
        added a KAction to ActionManagerImpl:initSubscriptionListView, connected to SubscriptionListView::slotSetHideReadFeeds
        added a public slot to connect the added action to (slotSetHideReadFeeds)
        hooked m_part's signalSettingsChanged() to m_selectionController::settingsChanged, m_actionManager::slotSettingsChanged
        added View/HideReadFeeds entry
        add a separator and an action to <Menu name="view"> (name=feed_hide_read)
        add kcfg_HideReadFeeds field under General->Global
    Differential Revision: